FAQ: near-y Augmented Reality Sales

Why use the Near-y system instead of a traditional in-person sales approach?
Near-y, being an entirely online system, allows the physical boundaries of in-person selling to be crossed by ensuring realistic product demonstrations and a real-time approach to the customer.
With Near-y, the buyer can remain comfortably seated at home and enjoy the shopping experience as if they were in-person.
This ability to “show” rather than “tell” and the ability to offer interactive product showcases and tours can significantly increase customer engagement, accelerate decision making and lead to faster conversions.
What industries is Near-y being used for?
Near-y at the moment has been released for the automotive and real estate sectors but due to its versatility and flexibility of use it can find application for many other sectors such as marine, aviation, luxury and many others.
Can Near-y be useful in marketing strategies to generate leads?
The Near-y showroom provides a unique intersection between the sales and marketing processes. While the sales consultant uses Near-y to more effectively present products, the marketing team can use Near-y to deliver engaging and captivating advertisements, laying the foundation for a solid lead generation process.
Potential customers can learn about product features or explore product properties using Near-y, even before they make contact with a sales representative. This initial engagement increases lead generation and expands conversion.
What are the tangible benefits through the use of Near-y service?
- Extension of the sales boundary and the resulting pool of potential customers.
- Reduction in the customer’s path to purchase
- Increased customer engagement by offering a new sales experience.
- More effective online product presentation and increased conversion rate
- Rapid return on investment
Why should I use smart glasses if I can register with a cell phone?
By wearing smart glasses and thanks to Near-y augmented reality, it is possible to create a unique buying experience with the customer as vehicles are shown from a vantage point as if the buyer were actually in the dealership or in the vehicle.
In addition, the sale is greatly facilitated as the sales consultant can:
- view in real time, in the smart glasses, all the information about the vehicles shown
- move around freely since his hands are free
- can share all documentation regarding the vehicles, directly from the application
Can Near-y also be useful for after-sales and increasing customer loyalty?
Near-y is not only sales-oriented but also post-sales.
The service provides an opportunity for the company’s consultants and technicians to educate users on how to use the products, provide technical support, and share more information. This not only increases customer satisfaction, but also establishes a positive brand perception, which can lead to customer loyalty and retention.
How does the system show product information in real time?
The near-y system is easily interfaced with external management systems, this allows sales representatives to access relevant product and customer information, enabling a more personalized sales approach.
The near-y showroom can provide real-time checks with Business Development Center (BDC), dealer management system (DMS), customer relationship management (CRM) systems and has the ability to interface with other systems via API or by importing Excel, CSV, XML, JSON files.
Does Near-y require specific computer knowledge to use it?
Near-y is very easy and intuitive-it is like using a smartphone. The application on the smart glasses has a simple and immediately understandable graphical interface. Thanks to the trackpad, it is also easy to move around within the various functions and share different content.
The client interface is equally easy: the client receives via email the access link to the online meeting, and once they accept the terms and conditions they are directly inside the video call like any video conferencing tool.